Senior living in a true New Brunswick setting
Health, happiness, and social connection are what Ethos believes in. Our residence is designed to create fulfillment, wellbeing, and meaning.
Active Living
Ethos Ridge will be on a 19 acre water-front property flush with forest canopy. There will be hiking trails, gym, and a cafe & bar on site. There will be an indoor court, library, and wine cellar.
Social Connection
Ethos will be a place that people of all ages will want to visit. We want to bring residents’ family and friends on-site to create new experiences together. The Ethos residence will encourage new friendships through a space that enables new interactions.
Social connection drives
a stronger sense of belonging
Life is about the experiences you create and cherish. Our on-site operator will have experiences such as wine tasting, cooking classes, fireside chats with local storytellers, mindfulness sessions, honey-making, and felting. There will be a private space for hosting your own experiences or events.
Restaurant, gym, apiary, amphitheatre, private beach, gardens, maker space, cafe, and bar.
These are rentals only. There will be 1 Bedrooms and 2 Bedrooms. There will be kitchens and laundry appliances in each suite. Most units will have balconies. All units will have personal HVAC.
Food will be provided a la carte by an experienced operator.
There will be an area leased by an operator who will provide massage therapy, physicaly therapy, chiropractic care, and aesthetics.